Your Home for Women-Centered LGBTQ+ Affirming Therapy in Athens, Georgia

Professional Member, American Counseling Association, USA
Licensed Professional Counselor, State of Georgia
Founding Director, Many Colors Counseling, Athens, Georgia
Staff Therapist, The Banyan Tree, Athens, Georgia
Online Exclusive Author, "Beyond the Belle: Transcending Scarlett," Counseling Today
Master's Degree in Transpersonal Counseling Psychology, Naropa University, Boulder Colorado
Counseling Intern and Volunteer, Safehouse Progressive Alliance for Nonviolence, Boulder, Colorado
Bachelor's Degree in Fine Arts, Smith College, Northampton, Massachusetts
Proud graduate of Athens-Clarke County Public Schools, Athens, Georgia
Born and raised here in Athens, well versed in the rich culture of our unique college town.

Hi There
If you are seeking a warm, down to earth therapist who’s good at what she does, you may find me to be a good fit. I am someone who "gets" stuff like difficult relationships, anxiety, depression, low self esteem, and family (did someone say, the true "f" word?) dynamics from day one. There is no fear of judgement or condemnation with me. Only support for finding authentic happiness, defined by you--and infinite patience and understanding for the many obstacles that get in the way. I've helped myself. I've helped countless others. And, I can help you, too. As my client, you will always know that I'm rooting for you! Remember, there is strength in reaching out.

Original Groups
Transcending Trauma: A therapist led trauma treatment group for women impacted by trauma and substance use, utilizing a Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy framework, Seeking Safety.
Adulting After Dysfunky: A therapist led support group for adults impacted by childhood trauma, utilizing an original curriculum based on current research of Complex Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder.